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BuildSDKsWallet AdapterBrowser Extension Wallet Builders

Wallet Adapter Plugin for Browser Extension Wallets

A wallet adapter plugin allows dapps to use your wallet. With the AIP-62 Wallet standard, dapps can simply update their version of aptos-wallet-adapter to connect to newly added Wallet plugins.

Implementing a wallet plugin for a browser extension wallet has two main steps:

  1. Implement a wallet adapter plugin for your browser extension.
  2. Update the aptos-wallet-adapter package to let dapps know about your wallet.

1. Implement the Wallet Adapter Plugin.

You can use the wallet-standard repo’s example to implement an AIP-62 compatible wallet adapter plugin that dapps can automatically recognize.

For an example of how to implement the Wallet Adapter plugin (and how to register it), see the Wallet Adapter Demo dapp. Specifically, standardWallet.ts contains the plugin implementation, and page.tsx has the registerWallet logic.

Copy the wallet-standard example into your browser extension codebase.

Follow the instructions in that example to make it use your wallet to execute the AIP-62 functions.

The full list of required functions for AIP-62 compatible wallets can be found here.

Add a call to registerWallet with your plugin implementation so that it gets called on page load.

This is what will notify dapps that your wallet is available.

// Put this function with your "MyWallet" implementation so it gets called on page load.
(function () {
    if (typeof window === "undefined") return;
    const myWallet = new MyWallet();

Test your changes by going to the Wallet Adapter Demo dapp and trying to connect your wallet.

  1. After your extension calls registerWallet, you should be able to click “Connect a Wallet” and see your wallet as an option.
    1. You can then use the demo dapp features to verify your other wallet features work as expected.
    2. This simulates how a real dapp will interact with your browser extension.
  2. You can also test your implementations by updating standardWallet.ts from MyWallet to your wallet’s implementation, then running the Wallet Adapter Demo dapp locally.
    1. See the Wallet Adapter Demo dapp for instructions on how to run the demo locally.
    2. In the demo, registerWallet is called from page.tsx. This is less realistic, as in practice your browser extension should be calling registerWallet.

Publish the new version of your browser extension.

2. Update wallet-adapter-core to know about your extension.

In order for dapp users who are not already using your wallet to get the option to create an account with your wallet, you need to update wallet-adapter-core with your browser extension’s download link.

Open your fork in a local editor such as VSCode.

Create a new branch for your changes.

git checkout -b your-wallet

Add your wallet’s details to registry.ts by following the AptosStandardSupportedWallet interface.

export interface AptosStandardSupportedWallet<Name extends string = string> {
  // The name of your wallet cast to WalletName (Ex. "Petra" as WalletName<"Petra">)
  name: WalletName<Name>;
  // The link to your chrome extension or main website where new users can create an account with your wallet.
  url: string;
  // An icon for your wallet. Can be one of 4 data types. Be sure to follow the below format exactly (including the "," after base64).
  icon: `data:image/${"svg+xml" | "webp" | "png" | "gif"};base64,${string}`;
  // Copy this exactly
  readyState: WalletReadyState.NotDetected;
  // Copy this exactly
  isAIP62Standard: true;

For example:

  name: "Petra" as WalletName<"Petra">,
  url: "",
  icon: "
  readyState: WalletReadyState.NotDetected,
  isAIP62Standard: true,

In type.ts, update the type AvailableWallets to include your wallet’s name.

export type AvailableWallets = "Nightly" | "Petra" | "T wallet" | "Your Wallet's Name";

Update the at the top-level of the aptos-wallet-adapter to include your wallet in the list of AIP-62 compatible wallets.

Commit and push your changes to your fork.

If you’ve pushed your changes to your fork, a green button should appear at the top of the aptos-wallet-adapter repo asking if you would like to create a pull request.

Follow this guide to open a pull request for the aptos-wallet-adapter repo.
